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Felicity, OH

2010-07-30_Felicity Police Officer Arrested
Felicity Police Officer Delmas Pack is accused of tampering with evidence. (Clermont County Sheriff, WKRC-TV)

A Felicity Police officer, accused of tampering with evidence, is out on bond but his police powers are suspended and he could be facing jail time. 42 year old police captain Delmas Pack was released this afternoon after an initial court appearance.

Pack was arrested yesterday and could spend five years in prison if convicted. Police say Pack's arrest involved "multiple (police) agencies" and centers on allegations that drug and property evidence which he seized during arrests never made it to the lockup. Officials set up a sting on July 12th and they say Pack went for their bait but refused to give further details.

Pack is a 16 year veteran of the department. Pack earned a note of commendation in his file from the Felicity chief after he arrested two men in a home invasion robbery last Friday in Clermont County. The chief says he is shocked by the arrest.

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International Association for Property and Evidence
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