By Joe Latta on Wednesday, 09 August 2017
Category: California

Police: Man left DNA in toilet during burglary

Andrew David Jensen, 42, "did his business and didn't flush it," Detective Tim Lohman of the Ventura County Sheriff's Office told the Associated Pres

August 8, 2017

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

A California man accused of burglary left DNA evidence in the toilet of the home he robbed last October, Associated Press reported Tuesday.

Andrew David Jensen, 42, "did his business and didn't flush it," Detective Tim Lohman of the Ventura County Sheriff's Office told the Associated Press.

When police initially responded to the break-in last year, they "were able to locate items that potentially contained the suspect's DNA," according to a statement from the Ventura County Sheriff's Office. Forensic analysts were then able to match the samples from the scene with DNA already in their system.

Lohman told the Associated Press that this is the first case he knows of where fecal evidence collected from a toilet after a burglary had a successful DNA match.

"When people think of DNA evidence, they usually think of hair samples or saliva," Lohman told the Associated Press.

Jensen was arrested July 28 and remains in pre-trial custody, according to the police statement.

Contributing: Associated Press

Police: Man left DNA in toilet during burglary

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