Pinal sex-assault DNA testing lags

The Arizona Republic, azcentral.comBYLINE: Lindsey Collom and Caitlin McGladeLink to ArticlePinal County, AZDNA evidence from more than 200 sexual-assault cases in Pinal County has been languishing in the Sheriff's Office pro...

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1909 Hits

Audit of PCSO evidence storage examines excessive backlog

San Tan Valley Today, santanvalleytoday.comBYLINE: Chase Kamp Today PublicationsLink to ArticlePinal County, AZPCSO evidence storage facilities have material stacked to the ceiling.With evidence warehouse shelves stacked to t...

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1895 Hits

Audit finds problems with evidence handling at Pinal County Sheriff's Office

ABC15 (KNXV-TV), abc15.comBYLINE: Corey RangelLink to ArticleOne VideoPinal County, AZAn independent audit raises some alarming concerns within the Pinal County Sheriff's Property and Evidence Unit which, according to the rep...

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2805 Hits

Pinal Sheriff's Office to improve evidence storage

The Arizona Republic, azcentral.comBYLINE: Lindsey Collom and Caitlin McGlade - The Arizona RepublicPinal County, AZAn independent audit of the Pinal County sheriff's property-and-evidence unit details years of mismanagement ...

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1990 Hits

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