CONTACT 13: Processing sex assault test kits delayed

The AG says about 1,700 kits are on the way to be tested JANUARY 17, 2017 LAS VEGAS (KTNV) - A backlog in processing sexual assault test kits was a hot topic in the last election cycle. So what's the status now? Nevada had about 8,000 untested sexual assault kits sitting on the shelf last year.  Now, the out-of-state lab we're using to help ca...

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Hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits

Testing of backlogged rape evidence leads to hundreds of convictions Enter Article DATE HERE Hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits, also known as sexual assault kits (SAKs), languish in evidence storage facilities across the U.S. This backlog denies justice to victims and allows rapists the opportunity to continue to harm others. Based o...

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