CONTACT 13: Processing sex assault test kits delayed

The AG says about 1,700 kits are on the way to be tested JANUARY 17, 2017 LAS VEGAS (KTNV) - A backlog in processing sexual assault test kits was a hot topic in the last election cycle. So what's the status now? Nevada had about 8,000 untested sexual assault kits sitting on the shelf last year.  Now, the out-of-state lab we're using to help ca...

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1976 Hits

Former state employee arrested in theft from public safety building

Alaska State Troopers said in a Wednesday dispatch that the Alaska Bureau of Investigation on Dec. 22 began looking into thefts from the DPS building on East Tudor Road in Anchorage January 16, 2017 Two Anchorage residents, one of them a former employee at the state Department of Public Safety, have been arrested on charges that they broke into DPS...

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2003 Hits

2006 murder evidence found in Fremont County Sheriff's Office storage unit

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87 Hits

Sexual assault case resurfaces after 19 years; defendant, just released from mental hospital, claims innocence

The attacker also left a cigarette butt at the victim's house, according to police reports filed after the incident. With new techniques allowing crime labs to analyze trace amounts of saliva, Fleischaker had it tested and said the DNA does not match Wilkerson's. JANUARY 14, 2017 Two decades ago, Mike A. Wilkerson was a familiar face in Jasper Coun...

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2120 Hits

Foust retiring as Johnstown police chief; on leave following officer's overdose

At that time, it was revealed Chief Foust allegedly knew about a previous breach into the evidence room but did not take appropriate action December 30, 2016 Craig Foust will retire as chief of the Johnstown Police Department effective Saturday. The announcement was made during a regular City Council meeting on Thursday. Foust, who has been on paid...

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1709 Hits

With new money, state chips away at daunting backlog of rape evidence — but can't keep up

With new money, state chips away at daunting backlog of rape evidence — but can't keep up December 16, 2016 or years, hundreds of white cardboard boxes, each containing biological evidence from an alleged sexual assault, sat untouched inside the massive freezer at the Seattle Police Department's 26,000-square-foot evidence warehouse off Airport Way...

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1828 Hits

Former Morganfield Police Chief Arrested

Bolds was arrested and charged with abuse of public trust, December 8, 2017 The former Chief of Police for the Morganfield Police Department has been arrested. In July 2016, Kentucky State Police received a complaint of possible theft from the Morganfield Police Department in Union County. At the time of the theft, authorities say Craig Bolds was t...

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1714 Hits

Former SD highway patrolman arrested for grand theft

Brian William Biehl, 47, of Platte, has been arrested by complaint on one count of grand theft by law enforcement of seized property for taking $69,668 in money confiscated between May 21, 2012, and Oct. 19, 2016, court documents state. November 27, 2016 A former South Dakota highway patrolman is charged with taking nearly $70,000 from drug arrests...

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1965 Hits

Former SD highway patrolman arrested for grand theft

He took the cash over four years to pay his bills because he was "short on money" and that "it's been going on for quite a while." November 7, 2016 A former South Dakota highway patrolman is charged with taking nearly $70,000 from drug arrests over the past four years. Brian William Biehl, 47, of Platte, has been arrested by complaint on one count ...

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1681 Hits

Florida addresses untested rape kits with new law

A new law passed in July now requires that all sexual assault kits in the state of Florida to be processed in the laboratory within 120 days. October 27, 2016 FORT MYERS, Fla. — A new law passed in July now requires that all sexual assault kits in the state of Florida to be processed in the laboratory within 120 days. Over 13,000 samples ...

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1777 Hits

Pinellas deputy fired, accused of pawning duty gun, stealing prescription drugs

Smith told investigators he was prescribed morphine and oxycodone for chronic back pain. His dependence on painkillers spiraled into addiction that "knows no boundaries and crosses socioeconomic lines October 13, 2016 LARGO — Supervisors noticed when former Deputy Steven Jared Smith's work performance started to slip. Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gu...

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2057 Hits

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